• A scientist performing illegal stem cell research is trying to find a cure for cancer. After the transfer of shark cells is made into a human test subject, the ill man gets well again and it looks like the treatment was a success. But the experiment goes wrong, and the man transforms into monster half-shark half-human. But the scientist knows how to use this to his advantage. He has invited some of his old pals to the island and is hoping to take revenge on them with his new creature. But do they have any tricks up their sleeve
  • 人人都知道乔安娜(歌蒂·韩 Goldie Hawn 饰)是个富有的女人,同样人尽皆知的,还有她那尖酸刻薄的坏脾气。每一日,乔安娜都和丈夫格兰特(爱德华·赫曼 Edward Herrmann 饰)待在他们那极尽奢华的游艇上,挥霍着时间和钱财。迪安(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)是个平凡的木匠,在一次纠纷中,他不仅没有拿到乔安娜所承诺的报酬,还被她从船上推了下去。几日之后,迪安发现了一则新闻,一个落水失忆的女人正在寻找她的亲人,而这个女人不是别人,正是之前羞辱过他的乔安娜。经过一番盘算,迪安把早已经被丈夫抛弃的乔安娜接回了家,这样他不仅可以收回她曾经欠他的工钱,他的四个孩子也能得到照料。尽管失忆的乔安娜对自己的处境充满了怀疑,但她还是努力的做着本职工作,在日积月累之间,她和迪安之间产生了真挚的感情。